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Shortages Coming: Watch These Commodities, What It Means for Prices — Willem Middelkoop | Kitco NEWS

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2024 is here, and for those closely watching the world of commodities, it’s a year that’s generating significant buzz. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the insights shared by Willem Middelkoop, the CEO of Commodity Discovery Fund, as he delves into his thoughts on the current state of the commodities market and what lies ahead.

A Year of Promise for Commodities

Willem Middelkoop kicks off with a bold claim: 2024 could be a pivotal year for commodities, reminiscent of the transformative period in January 2016. But what fuels this optimism? Let’s explore the key factors.

1. Shortages Across the Board

One of the central themes of Middelkoop’s insights is the growing shortages in various commodity markets. These shortages span across metals like uranium, lithium, and gold. These deficits are the result of a complex interplay of factors, including increased demand and supply chain disruptions. As these shortages intensify, they set the stage for potential price surges.

2. Geopolitical Tensions

Geopolitics plays a vital role in shaping commodity markets, and Middelkoop highlights the emergence of geopolitical tensions involving the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). These nations are challenging the established world order, and commodities are a significant part of their strategic play. As these tensions escalate, they create both uncertainty and opportunities in commodity markets.

3. The Dollar’s Influence

The strength of the US dollar is a critical determinant in commodity price movements. Middelkoop emphasizes that a weaker dollar could trigger a breakout in gold, a pivotal moment for precious metal enthusiasts. When gold makes its move, it often paves the way for other commodities to follow suit.

Seller Exhaustion and Market Dynamics

One of the intriguing concepts Middelkoop introduces is the notion of “seller exhaustion.” In a market where sellers have dominated for an extended period, there comes a point when they can no longer sustain the downward pressure. This turning point can lead to a rapid and robust market reversal, potentially sparking a powerful rally.

Shifting Alliances: Saudi Arabia’s Move East

Beyond the market dynamics, Middelkoop delves into the shifting alliances on the global stage. He points to Saudi Arabia’s pivot from the West to the East as a pivotal move. Historically, Saudi Arabia was a linchpin in the US dollar’s supremacy due to the Petrodollar deal in 1974. However, this recent shift signifies a significant change in the geopolitical landscape, with potential ramifications for the global economy.

The Decline of the Western World

Middelkoop doesn’t shy away from discussing the challenges facing the Western world. He acknowledges that the West is in decline, albeit not necessarily a collapse. This decline parallels historical shifts in global economic power, such as the UK’s decline in the early 20th century. The dollar’s status as the world’s hegemon may persist, but its influence is waning.

Supply and Demand Imbalances: Opportunities Abound

The crux of Middelkoop’s outlook lies in supply and demand dynamics. He illustrates how various commodities, including copper, are experiencing production deficits. A prominent example is the recent closure of the Panama copper mine, responsible for 1.5% of the world’s copper production. As deficits grow, prices are expected to rise, potentially leading to substantial gains for investors.

Investment Strategy: Diversification is Key

Middelkoop shares insights into his investment strategy, emphasizing diversification. His portfolio includes positions in Bitcoin, real estate, stocks, physical gold and silver, and cash. This diversified approach helps mitigate risk while allowing exposure to multiple asset classes.

Caution in the World of Digital Assets

While Middelkoop acknowledges the significance of Bitcoin, he warns against diving headfirst into the world of cryptocurrencies without due diligence. He recommends professional management for dealing with digital assets, especially considering the volatility and proliferation of alternative coins (altcoins).

A Long-Term Bull Market for Commodities

Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of Middelkoop’s insights is his long-term perspective. Drawing from Elliott wave analysis, he suggests that we might be at the cusp of a commodity bull market that could extend until 2052. This extended rally is expected to be driven by currency debasement, supply-demand imbalances, and geopolitical shifts. It’s a comprehensive view that envisions multiple sectors within the commodity space thriving in the coming decades.

In conclusion, Willem Middelkoop’s insights provide a compelling narrative for the future of commodities in 2024 and beyond. The convergence of shortages, geopolitical tensions, and shifting economic alliances creates an environment ripe with opportunities for investors. However, caution and diversification remain crucial in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of commodities and digital assets.

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