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Transforming Your Money Mindset: It’s Never Too Late to Take Control

Everything you need to know about the 'How To Get Rich' show - Ramit Sethi - How To Be Better At Saving And Spending Money

How many times have you found yourself sitting at brunch with a friend, hearing them lament, “I’m so bad with money”? It’s a common phrase, but what if I told you that changing the language around how you describe yourself in relation to money can have a profound impact on your financial journey? In this article, I want to challenge you to shift your mindset and empower yourself to take control of your finances. Let’s explore how you can reframe your thinking and develop an action plan to improve your money management skills, regardless of your starting point.


Reframing Your Language: From “Bad with Money” to “Learning Money Management”:
Instead of labeling yourself as “bad with money,” acknowledge that you haven’t yet acquired the necessary skills to manage your finances effectively. By shifting your perspective and adopting a more empowering mindset, you open yourself up to growth and improvement. Embrace the idea that learning about money is a continuous process, and it’s never too late to start.

Crafting an Action Plan: Simple Steps to Get Started:
Creating an action plan doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Begin by asking yourself two crucial questions: “Where does my money currently go?” and “Where do I want it to go?” Tracking every expense isn’t necessary initially. Instead, take a moment to reflect on your recent spending habits and identify areas where you can make adjustments. Additionally, aim to save at least 10% of your income and invest another 10% each month. These two simple steps can have a significant impact on your financial health.


Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Yes, You Can Save:
Some may argue that saving 10% of their income is an unattainable goal. However, with a careful examination of your spending patterns, you’ll likely discover areas where you can cut back and save. Don’t let the belief that it’s impossible prevent you from taking control of your finances. Remember, every small step counts, and you have the power to make a positive change.

The Ladder of Personal Finance: Navigating Your Financial Journey:
While there are specific tactics and strategies to explore in your financial journey, it’s essential to prioritize your actions. Start by taking advantage of any employer-matched contributions to your 401(k) if available. Paying off debt should also be a priority. As you progress, consider opening an IRA or increasing your contributions to your 401(k). Think of these steps as climbing the ladder of personal finance, taking you closer to financial security and freedom.


Ramit Singh Sethi is an American writer and self-proclaimed personal finance adviser. He is the author of the 2009 New York Times Best Seller, I Will Teach You to Be Rich and founder of, an online advertising advice website. He is also the owner and a co-founder of PBworks, a commercial wiki website.

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