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How to Do Your Best Work + Have a Life by Sally Thornton

Compared to a century ago, we live an additional 30 years on average. But the longevity and working habits of the past are still supported by our culture.

What was the “old model”?

❌ The first 20+ years of our lives are almost entirely for education

❌ The following (approximately) 40 years are solid, dedicated work

❌ If we’re lucky, when we retire, we’ll have 15 to 20 years of leisure.

💡 According to Dr. Carstensen from the Stanford Center for Longevity, we need to reimagine a more “blended” future in which work, leisure, and education weave together throughout life.

✨ Generating creative ideas requires rest and leisure, and ongoing education is critical to staying relevant in our fast-changing economy.

The new model also offers a more thoughtful, more sustainable, and enjoyable way of living 🌱

Studying and working are no longer two different realities. I firmly believe it is essential that also, at work, we always learn something new every week and find ways to have fun.

For learning by doing to work, you need to lay some initial groundwork. Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of active learning when it occurs at the appropriate stage of the learning process. Why does this matter? It’s crucial to stress the fact that learning is a process right away. Learning is cumulative, and if learning by doing starts too soon, people get overloaded. They do not develop.
It is easier to see why learning by doing can’t start too early when you are aware of the “limitations” of short-term memory. To learn, we must divide information and abilities into manageable chunks and concentrate on specific areas of proficiency.
After becoming somewhat familiar with the subject, learning via doing is used. It works because the method requires you to actively participate and gradually build up your own expertise.
When it comes to staff training, businesses are increasingly adopting learning by doing, a more action-oriented style. It is based on the application of the work done in order to encourage employee engagement, motivation, and participation, as well as idea exchange in workgroups and the creation of a fair self-evaluation.
Learning environments have altered, favoring practice over theory, digital media over traditional communication, and online training over classroom instruction. Learning by doing is presenting itself as an emerging trend in the field of training in this environment of perpetual change. This approach is gaining popularity among firms looking to enhance workplace training because to its capacity to foster fundamental abilities including decision-making, teamwork, and leadership.

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